ArthurinCali Newsletter

Hello and welcome to my humble Substack where I expand my thoughts on politics, history, and culture from a center-right perspective. If political jersey labels are important to you, the best I can describe myself is as an Independent.

Honestly, I should have named it Arthur’s Thoughts, but Newsletter sounds a little more professional I guess.

Everything is free to read and constructive comments and debate is highly encouraged.

Thank you again for reading!

Subscribe to ArthurinCali’s Newsletter

GWOT veteran that writes on news, politics, history, and culture from a Right-Wing perspective. Also, military stories from time to time.


GWOT Vet▪✍🏻▪ RW Absolutist | Opponent of Communism | Believer in the Superiority of Western Civilization | Articles on 𝕏 | Politics, History & Culture